
Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Nasty Results- 'Malignant Tumor...Ameloblastic Carcinoma or Pleomorphic Adenoma'

Comet's fur is growing back around his muzzle.
Results of the Biopsy
The results of the biopsy came in on the 28th of October.  It was sad news. The tumour was malignant. The possibilities considered were carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma or ameloblastic carcinoma.

Carcinoma ex Pleomorphic Adenoma
This is also called a malignant mixed tumor, carcinosarcoma or metastacizing PA. It is an uncommon tumor with aggressive biological behaviour. It is a carcinoma of the salivary glands.

Ameloblastic Carcinoma
Ameloblastic Carcinoma is also rare. It is an aggressive malignant epithelial odontogenic tumor that arises in the maxillofacial skeleton.

 So, Alas! My Comet developed a rare kind of cancer that is aggressive and will surely spread.

The Vet's Prognosis
The vet said that there was a possibility that another oral tumour would come up and if and when it did, Comet could not have another surgery. Also, there was a possibility that the cancer cells would travel to the lungs so he should have a chest x-ray done once a month. We could try to give him Ocoxyn syrup to delay the cancer from spreading as much as possible. But Comet will not take syrups.

My Thoughts
I just don't want him to suffer at all. I know he's old and he must go one way or another, but it's just so hard to accept. I decided not to worry about the future and to enjoy every day I have left with him. I decided to spoil him even more than I already do. 

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