
Sunday, January 6, 2019

First Month Check Up

1st December, 2018

We took Comet for an X-Ray of his lungs, as we were asked to do. This would show if the cancer had spread to his lungs or not.

As usual, he was excited about the ride to the hospital in the auto rickshaw. He screamed and shouted and jumped all over until the collar and leash was put on and we carried him down the stairs.

We have been carrying him up and down the stairs for the past six years ever since we discovered that he had a slip disc and some mild spondilitis. He also has arthritis.

The X-Ray was done and the vet informed us that his lungs were fine.

He had been fine all through the past month after the initial few days during his recovery from the surgery. He was eating very well. He was enthusiastic about his walks, and had enough energy. He barked and yelled at us when he wanted to demand for attention or food. He yelled when he wanted milk, or a biscuit, he yelled at me when I returned from school every afternoon. He got all the attention he needed. He got fatter and more spoilt than ever and that made me very happy!

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