
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Seven Months Post Tumor Removal

May 2019
Seven months have passed and I still have my Comet with me. It's a blessing.

He has his old age problems, no doubt. His collapsed trachea makes him cough on exertion, his slipped disc makes it hard to get up from lying down position, he is almost completely blind and can only see light and shadows now. He is taking his joint supplement every day.

I am enjoying Comet so so much. He is so spoilt that he roams around the house barking at us to give him what he needs. Two months ago, I decided to give him the tasty chicken that I cook for all of us. he loves it so much. Why should I be careful about his diet any more? Let him enjoy the rest of his little life. He will be seated one foot away from the water bowl but will bark for someone to bring it to him. He wants to be fed milk in someone's hand, he will bark at us at midnight if hes uncomfortable and wants the AC on. he gets everything he wants now. I know that his time with us is limited so let him have it all. There are no long walks around the block any more. For the past five months, he only walks around outside the house. Once a month or so he takes me for a longer walk. His sleeping patterns are almost the same. Except that his hearing isn't so good so he doesn't wake up with every little sound. I can sneak out of the house easily because he can't hear me open the cupboard and dress up any longer. He wakes up completely around six or seven pm. After that hes awake and alert till midnight, acting like a young puppy, bouncing around the house and making various demands. He's just so adorable. 

Another Horrible Observation

March 2019
Five months past surgery for tumor removal.
Comet was doing well. He was alert and active, eating well, spoilt as ever, and a happy little old dog.
One day when he was sitting outside, we noticed that the metal brace that had been put in his lower jaw to hold it together during surgery was visible. I got crazy and made a frantic call to the vet. he said that if the brace could be seen it had probably dislodged and he would need to remove it. He told me to fix a date for the surgical removal, make sure Comet fasts for eight hours and bring him for the surgery. I made the appointment.
The night before the surgery, we decided that we should not put him through that unnecessarily. The brace was not troubling him so why put him through anesthesia and all the other problems associated with surgery. I cancelled the appointment. I made the decision to get the surgery done only if it troubles him in some way. In the days that followed, we noticed that it was his lower lip that had moved to expose the brace. The brace was not dislodged at all. I was so happy we had not got the surgery done.
We kept watching it carefully and there seemed to be no problem at all.

April 2019
Comet was due his inoculations so we took him to the hospital. His surgeon was on leave so I spoke to another vet. She said that I should watch the brace carefully. If it causes any bleeding or infection, I need to get it out, otherwise I should not bother him with surgery. I was grateful to her for that advice that put my mind at ease. 

October 2019
It is one year past Comet's surgery. The brace has not troubled him at all. It is more visible to us, but that's it.