
Friday, July 19, 2019

Third Month Check up -Post Tumor Removal


Comet's Third Month Check-Up Post Surgery

Comet went to Cessna for his third check-up.


The x-ray and blood test was done. X-ray showed that his lungs were fine. The cancer had still not spread. His heart was slightly enlarged but not a cause for concern.
When the results of the blood test came in, I was stunned. The anemia had disappeared on its own, lymphocytes were normal again. I had no idea how that happened. Obviously, whatever was wrong had rectified itself. His platelets were low and that worried me even though the vet was not worried. he said that platelets show different values and unless there are external problems, one should not worry about it. But Comet had a history of Tick fever. He had had it about four or five times and it nearly took his life twice. I could not take a chance. So the vet asked me to bring him back for another blood test after a week. I went downstairs to pay the bill, while my son took Comet for a walk outside.

A Horribly Scary Incident

 Suddenly, Comet collapsed. He fell on his side and could not get up. My son thumped his chest. I grabbed him and ran back up the stairs to the vet. The Vet said that his heartbeat was very slow. He gave Comet an injection and said that he would recover slowly. Since I was coming to do the blood test after a week, i could get an ECG done as well. My poor Comet could not even lift his head up. His body was limp. His eyes were dull and glazed. I waited with him on the recovery table till I saw his eyes becoming more alert. Then I knew he was recovering. The doctor said that he did not know why this happened. If it happened again, I should take into account what led to it. The only thing I could think of was that he was probably exhausted with the long journey to the hospital. (45 mins by auto).


 By the time I left the hospital, he could lift his head. Slowly, in the next hour, he started lifting his upper body. In about three hours time, he was moving around again. But he was very tired and slept extra the next three or four days. the doctor said that it was his way of helping recovery so I should not worry. After that he recovered well and the incident did not happen again, even though the doctor cautioned me that it might. I kept some glucose handy and told everyone at home how to deal with it in case it happened again.

The Next Check-Up

One week later, I took Comet for his blood test and ECG. The platelets were fine and so was the ECG. I was thrilled. He was his alert, normal self by then and the vet said he could not even believe what had happened the previous week. The episode was definitely not caused by a weak heart. We know that now.